Buster Brown delivering the rules for Blazing Saddles Ride 2022, Bixby Oklahoma


  • Each rider will be in the category they signed up for. Sub 100 mile in that poker hand, ETC.
  • Each rider will have a bib number, must be on person to receive playing cards.
  • No card trading
  • Each rider will receive 5 cards when crossing finish line or you can purchase extra cards at $5 per card.
  • Your bib number will determine which poker game you are playing in. If you miss your poker start time, find manager to be placed in a different poker game.
  • One number, one poker game only.

What Is a poker ride?

Do I need to register for the events?

Yes, you will need to register for each event; every Bid # requires an entry fee.

Can I play more than 1 poker game?

Each rider with a bib number recieves playing cards

Can I trade playing cards?

No, you need to play with the cards you were handed or you can purchase extra cards at $5 per card.

How many cards will I receive?

Each rider will recieve 5 cards when crossing the finish lane.

How do i know which poker game to play?

Your Bib # will determine which poker game you are playing in, if you miss your poker start time, find a manager to be placed in a different poker game.